Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Shoe Meaning

My shoe has a plethora of meanings, all really lacking a central point. However, regardless of this lack of central point, they have become interweaving and significant to each other, relevance-wise. The starry skies symbolized the late summer nights I spent with some amazing people just thinking about things like whether or not the chicken or the egg came first. Smooth, rippled water represented the life held in everything and how it's always moving or changing. Cloudy skies with a red parachute falling towards the bottom were inspired by the song Parachute by Sean Lennon. The glitter on the tip of the sole represented glamourous beauty (because the other things represented natural beauty). On the inside of the shoe and even supporting it and surrounding it in the box, there were flowers growing just adding onto the natural beauty metaphor, also tying into life (along with the real branches that symbolized something organic). The obituaries on the box that the shoe was in symbolized death, however the box couldn't close from all of the flowers, branches, and the shoe itself, all symbolizing how life was overcoming death.

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